We believe that getting ready for school by dressing appropriately is an important part of being in the right frame of mind for the school day. We expect our children to work hard and to come to school in the correct uniform. Our uniform isn’t expensive and can be bought locally. We also encourage parents to donate good quality uniform that their children have grown out of and we sell this in school for 50p an item. Uniform with the logo can be ordered from Fantasy Prints. Other items may be purchased from any school uniform provider. Please ensure that all uniform is clearly labelled with the child's name so that any lost items can easily be returned to their owners.
If you would like more information please read our uniform policy which can be found here.
Uniform Main School (Year 1 to Year 4) -
Light blue shirt.
School tie - tied to cover fastened top button at shirt collar.
Burgundy v-necked jumper or cardigan with the school badge.
Grey tailored shorts, grey tailored trousers, grey/tartan pinafore or skirt.
Plain grey socks.
Grey or burgundy tights.
Plain black formal shoes - no boots, high heels, canvas/trainer style, sports brands or platforms.
A waterproof coat (should brought to school every day).
Optional Summer Uniform –
Light blue polo shirt instead of blue shirt and tie.
Blue and white checked summer dress to be worn with white socks.
Uniform in Reception –
Light blue polo shirt.
Burgundy v-necked jumper or cardigan with the school badge.
Grey tailored shorts, grey tailored trousers, grey/tartan pinafore or skirt.
Plain grey socks
Grey or burgundy tights.
Plain black formal shoes - no boots, high heels, canvas/trainer style, sports brands or platforms.
Outdoor Clothing
Wellington boots.
Waterproof suit or trousers.
A waterproof coat (should brought to school every day).
Optional Summer Uniform –
Blue and white checked summer dress to be worn with white socks.
Uniform in Nursery –
Light blue polo shirt.
Burgundy v-necked jumper or cardigan with the school badge.
Burgundy tracksuit bottoms.
Grey socks.
Black Velcro school shoes.
Outdoor Clothing
Wellington boots.
Waterproof suit or trousers.
A waterproof coat (should brought to school every day).
Optional Summer Uniform –
Grey tailored shorts.
Blue and white checked summer dress to be worn with white socks.
Little Bears -
Burgundy v-necked jumper or cardigan with the school badge.
Any t-shirt, leggings, shorts or joggers.
Any trainers or shoes.
Outdoor Clothing
Wellington boots.
Waterproof suit or trousers.
A waterproof coat (should brought to school every day).
PE and Swimming
Each child should have an indoor PE kit which will be kept in school and sent home periodically for washing.
Burgundy shorts.
Light blue short sleeved tee-shirt.
Black plimsolls or suitable trainers.
The school will advise parents/carers when children may need a warmer PE Kit to wear outside and children may wear their own clothes, although we would ask that children do not wear football merchandise to school. Older children may be required to bring football boots and/or trainers.
On swimming days’ children may wear a school hoody, burgundy jogging pants, polo shirts and trainers which are easier to manage. All items of clothing need to be marked clearly with the child’s name. School hoodies should not have the children’s name printed on the back. These items are not compulsory and children may wear their normal uniform on swimming days.
All children should come to school wearing plain black formal shoes - no boots, high heels, canvas/trainer style, sports brands or platforms. During cold weather children may come to school in boots which they can wear outside, if your child does wear boots to school, please bring in a pair of school shoes or black plimsolls that they can wear indoors.
Your child should be able to run safely in their shoes, please avoid ballet pumps; they are unsafe in a busy playground.
When children are young, fastening shoes can be really tricky and children should not have shoes with laces until they can tie them themselves.
Our base line is that hairstyles must be sensible and the school does not permit children to have haircuts that could serve as a distraction to other children. We are very proud of how our children look in their uniform and wish them to look their best. Longer hair should be tied back for safety reasons (and to prevent the spread of headlice) and children should not wear large hair accessories to school.
We do not expect children to come to school with hair gel, skin head cuts, lines or shapes cut into the hair or Mohican styles.
Pupils may wear a watch, but no other jewellery is permitted on health and safety grounds. We ask the children to remove watches during PE and games.
As piercings are not permitted, if parents/carers and pupils wish to arrange a piercing, we suggest that this is done at the start of the summer holidays so that the wound has sufficient time to heal and so any piercings can be removed for the school day.
We feel that make-up of any kind is inappropriate for school, this includes fake tan and nail varnish.
Mobile Technology
Mobile phones, smart watches, music players or any other wifi enabled devices are not permitted in school without written permission. Once written permission has been agreed, these must be handed into the school office once the pupil enters school and this can be collected at the end of the school day.